Cooking Hussy


FAVORITES: Microplane Zester March 4, 2009

Filed under: Favorites — cookinghussy @ 8:55 am

I totally forgot that I’d been sharing my favorite kitchen devices with you until my friend Karla mentioned it on her blog. Ooops. Let’s pretend it was all a plan.

This post is about a favorite little tool called the Microplane Zester. See below:


When I worked at the Chopping Block they used these all the time. It’s one of the first things I bought there since it was so cheap (should be around $10). I use my zester to: zest lemons/oranges and grate ginger. I don’t have many kitchen tools that only do a few select things, but this zester is one of them. I use lemon zest and ginger often, and this zester is by far the best way to break through all the tough fiber in fresh ginger. It also cleanly collects the lemon zest underneath.

There is also this larger microplane.

microplane-largerI never bought it since I can do the same things with the smaller version. But I think this may be the original microplane. While working at the Chopping Block, they’d tell a story about how some woman needed to zest something in her kitchen and went out to her husbands tools (women cook! men use tools!) and borrowed a sanding/grating tool that looks exactly like this. The story could be true too! The end.


3 Responses to “FAVORITES: Microplane Zester”

  1. Barbara Says:

    I never thought of using it for ginger! Thanks for the tip.

  2. cookinghussy Says:

    It’s also good for nutmeg Barbara.

    Christina, I normally smash my garlic with the flat side of my knife and that takes care of it (pretty much), but that tool looks handy too!

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